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CBD Oil: Proven or Possible Health Benefits

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CBD Oil Proven or Possible Health Benefits

CBD (cannabidiol) is one of more than 200 chemical compounds present in cannabis known as cannabinoids. It is also the 2nd most frequently active compound found in the cannabis plant, after THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which would be the psychoactive compound in cannabis that gives consumers a high. CBD has been credited to the relief of various medical issues, including epilepsy, insomnia, inflammation, anxiety, and pain. Even though “credited” does not imply “evidence proving.”

Due to the historical regulatory environment, there are few well-conducted studies to back up such arguments, though testing is expected to pick up now that hemp and marijuana are legally differentiated. 

We took a look at a few conditions where CBD can be effective or has already been proved to be so. Keep reading.

1. Pain and inflammation 

CBD has been investigated for its pain-relieving properties. A small, randomized placebo-controlled trial, conducted in 2020 looked into the use of topical CBD oil on individuals with peripheral neuropathy of the legs. According to a known source, a 1:1 fusion of THC and CBD sprayed in the back of the mouth (a pharmaceutical commodity called Sativex) may be beneficial for non-cancer linked chronic pain. Even so, the scientists are unsure which of the two compounds had the greatest impact. Besides, the report’s follow-up period was 15 weeks. 

More investigation is needed to verify whether long-term pain management is achievable. This spray, which contained both THC and CBD, may have anti-inflammatory qualities as well. A previous study on rheumatoid arthritis patients found that Sativex decreased the Disease Activity Score-28, indicating a decline in inflammation. These studies demonstrate CBD’s ability for pain and inflammation relief.

2. Acne 

A further promising CBD use is acne treatment. According to a 2014 study and a trusted source, it helps to minimize the production of sebum, which causes acne, in part due to its anti-inflammatory properties. As per a study, applying CBD topically to psoriasis as well as other inflammatory skin diseases may minimize inflammation. CBD is increasingly being used in skin creams and ointments.

Many experts, however, are concerned about the lack of evidence for its efficacy and regulation. CBD inhibited some of the sebaceous gland functions that lead to acne, according to cell studies. Until physicians prescribe their use, researchers must validate these findings in human studies.

3. Relief from chemotherapy side effects 

According to a study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology and a trusted source, the result of CBD on nausea and vomiting in animals may be related to its encounter with serotonin receptors. That being said, the article asserts that THC appears to be more effective than CBD at reducing nausea and vomiting.

In one human study, people suffering from nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy found comfort when taking Sativex, but it is uncertain how much of that relief came from CBD. More research is needed to fully comprehend the function of CBD in nausea and vomiting relief.

4. Epilepsy 

Epidiolex (a plant-based formulation of CBD) was approved by the FDA in June 2018 to control seizures in people between the ages 2+ who have Dravet disorder or Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS), two uncommon types of epilepsy. CBD has also been examined for its use in other types of treatment-resistant epilepsy, usually in conjunction with standard epilepsy drugs.

Although the findings differed, multiple studies found that CBD decreased seizure frequency by approximately 44 per cent in the majority of people. CBD interacts with other epilepsy drugs, and some severe adverse effects have been identified, including a reduction in liver function in people who are already using valproate. As a result, CBD is helpful in the treatment of some forms of epilepsy.

5. Anxiety 

In 57 young men who underwent a simulated public speaking exam, pre-treatment with 300mg CBD significantly reduced anxiety. Even so, their anxiety levels were unaffected by dosages of 150mg CBD and 600mg CBD. An observational study showed that CBD had positive impacts on them. In a wide prospective study of 72 patients, anxiety scores reduced, with 57 patients (79.2 per cent) reporting lower scores during the first month of CBD therapy. CBD can help with anxiety before situations such as public speaking, but the best dosage is uncertain. 

6. Parkinson’s Disease 

A few small researchers have examined using CBD to treat the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, with mainly positive results. There were no variations in movement-related results among groups in most research; furthermore, groups treated with CBD 300 mg/day had substantially improved well-being and the standard of living (as calculated by the Parkinson’s Disease Survey [PDQ-39]). 

CBD has shown promise in raising the quality of living in Parkinson’s disease patients, but further research is required. In recent times, potential brain and nervous system enhancements have received a lot of attention, particularly among people with neurological diseases like Parkinson’s disease (PD).

7. Quitting smoking and drug withdrawal 

Smokers that used CBD inhalers smoked fewer cigarettes and no longer craved nicotine, according to a 2013 pilot report. This indicates that CBD may aid in the cessation of tobacco use.

Its calming effect, according to a 2018 report, helped to suppress cravings during nicotine withdrawal and assisted people with opioid addiction problems. CBD was found to relieve some symptoms related to drug abuse disorders. Anxiety, mood-related symptoms, pain, and insomnia were among them. Its use in the treatment of withdrawal symptoms continues to be supported by research.

8. Sleep disorders 

CBD benefited sleep for 31 per cent of people who take it for conditions other than cancer, such as anxiety or non-cancer pain. In a wide case series of 72 individuals, 48 (66.7per cent) showed an increase in sleep scores during the first month, though these varied over time. CBD tended to maintain sleep architecture in many other trials of 300 mg of CBD in people experiencing anxiety or depression, indicating that it was unlikely to have any harmful impact on sleep quality.

CBD seems to have little effect on sleep and could even help people sleep better. It enhanced the effects of REM sleep behaviour disorder (RBD), a condition in which people act out their dreams. RBD is related to restless nights and nightmares. CBD can be useful in the treatment of RBD, according to a 2017 study, and it also can relieve prolonged daytime sleepiness.

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