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6 Best Tips to Avoid Hangover

by YourDailyHunt.com
6 Best Tips to Avoid Hangover

Have you been in a condition where you get hangovers while your friend seems completely sober? Or did you puke after being wasted and want to know why it happened?

We are sure that currently, your mind would be acquired with great questions regarding hangovers. Still, it all comes down to getting a solution to these hangovers. Let’s start our journey and know some critical yet different things regarding hangovers that must be acknowledged with.

What Causes a Hangover?

If you have seen the movie ‘Hangover,’ you most certainly would know what all happens after getting wasted. However, the genuine query is, why do we start behaving unnaturally?

Scientifically explained, intoxicants hold methanol which is fermented into drinks and weed. This then breaks down inside the body as sugar molecules that cause dehydration in the body. This leads to swinging to and fro and sometimes leading to texting some people in frustration you never meant to talk to.

Effects of Hangovers

Hangovers can turn very serious and even become fatal sometimes. It may sound fun to get wasted and look at the pictures the next day, but it may not be shown in movies. Heavy drinking of alcohol can cause severe body issues since the liver is fragile and cannot break down the drink quickly. Let’s see the other affects your body may face if you consume liquor in a significant quantity.

  • Going for too much alcohol can make you feel dizzy and not stay in your senses for a longer time.
  • It is likely to catch severe headaches and nauseous feeling.
  • Once entering the stage of nauseous feeling, there comes vomiting or puking, which is commonly seen in people after drinking too much.
  • Lastly, you may get migraine headaches, making you feel a high pitch sound inside your head.

Usually, such side effects stay the same for about a day or two. Then the body finally recovers its senses. If you want to avoid this to happen to you, we have come up with interesting tips that may help you prevent a hangover.

6 Best Tips to Avoid a Hangover

As much as we wish to tell you not to get too drunk on your night outs, you wouldn’t want to leave the fun. Instead, here are some remedies that will help you avoid a major hangover, and even better, no hangover at all.

1. Know Your Capacity

Every person has a different ability to absorb intoxicants. While one person can feel utterly sober after two glasses of beer, another might give up after half a glass. But you should not compare yourself to the former guy and go beyond your ability to go with the drink.

Well, you might have heard about booze. Booze is meant to give you fun and pleasure. It can be obtained when you feel a little excited or sometimes even sorrowful. But drinking excess alcohol brings nothing but a headache. So, you should know how much suitable alcohol must be there to avoid becoming hollow.

2. Get Hydrated!

Hydration is essential in many ways since alcohol soaks up water from your body. Drinking water will help restore the lost moisture and regain the strength that had gone before. Without drinking water, you would have noticed yourself feeling dizzy and nauseous even when you’re completely sober. So, now it is the appropriate moment to get the drink inside your system.

The drinks we are talking about are specifically water. It will help you urinate more, thus removing the body’s toxicants that make the room swing. However, any other drink apart from water would be sufficient.

3. Eat Before You Drink

Eating a wholesome meal before drinking the hard stuff gives your body a base to avoid direct flow into the intestines. From the intestines, it will be absorbed and move in your blood vessels like a free bird. But some birds need to be caged, and this is one of them.

When you eat something before the beers and wines, the hangover process is slowed down. This, in turn, does not cause significant hangovers and thus avoids nausea and pukes. However, foods with high sugar content should be avoided to prevent any after-effects.

4. Be the Sleeping Beauty!

Not the literal sense, but you need to sleep as much as possible to avoid headaches. When you sleep longer, there is sufficient time for your body to break down the alcohol particles into small fragments. This reduces the possibility of waking up with a headache or vomit in your stomach.

If you drink lots of water before sleeping, it might act like the price’s kiss. Now you just have to wake up to urinate in between your sleep. Make sure you don’t overload yourself with water right before sleeping and take a leak before jumping into your bed.

5. Company matters!

If you are with those friends who see you getting sick and yet dare you to take another shot, you need to rethink your choices. Do not forget that your peers are supposed to protect you during the bad times and not overwhelm you to make yourself sick.

We recommend that you drink alcohol only with the trusted friends who can also take care of you if you have drunk too much. Try to avoid people’s company who forces you to get another glass when you know you don’t want it. With monitored drinks, you can avoid getting a hangover in the first place.

6. Give a Break to Another Shot

Being the shot caller is all fun until the drink starts making your body swing without your will. The night cannot be shortened, so why not elongate the time for another drink? When taking breaks between sips, you give time to your body to get habitual of it.

It also prevents alcohol from running in your body freely with your blood, thus preventing a hangover. It would be even better if you drink water in between two glasses of alcohol. Alcohol is then, diluted which will reduce its toxicant effect.


By now, you must have concluded that the best way to avoid a hangover is to not drink at all. But in case you want to live the most of your life, why not drink wisely? Drinking alcohol is not bad, but if you drink it in chunks, there is a lesser possibility of being entirely out of your senses.

We hope this article was helpful to you for your next party. So, make sure you follow these tips and make the best out of your good times.

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